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The complete guide for dripper extraction for begginers


The dripper is a simple device, but if used correctly, it can give us a really enjoyable, aromatic filter coffee.

Many times, the complexity lies in simplicity. The dripper is probably the simplest coffee machine, one of a conical container, but many coffee lovers swear by it. In such a simple and fully manual device as the dripper, the control of the extraction factors is crucial - after all, it is precisely this control that gives the dripper coffee its distinct, unique character.

In the tips, but above all in the guide below, we tried to codify, in simple steps, the procedure needed to make every dripper fan easily reach the coffee he really dreams of.


Which coffee is more suitable for a  Dripper;

Initially, it is good to emphasize that the dripper is only an extraction method, so any coffee can be extracted in this way, as long as it has the right grind - there is neither a 'right' blend nor a 'proper' roasting profile. On the other hand, dripper extraction emphasizes the aromas as well as the special organoleptic characteristics of coffee, so it is a good idea to focus on 100% Arabica blends with aromatic character and complex taste. Dripper and mono-variety coffees are equally well-behaved, as these extracts help us to better understand the individual nature of each coffee, depending on its origin and the particular cultivation conditions. Robusta-rich blends can give excellent espresso results, but often have a "flat" flavor to dripper extracts.

Even more important than the blend selection is the degree of milling and the amount of coffee we will use. Coffee should generally be mild to medium-grained, a little thicker than possibly suitable for a French Press coffee maker. As different blends can behave slightly differently, while milling is a factor that interacts with other extraction parameters, the only solution in this area is experimentation.

Regarding the amount of coffee, we start with 15 grams of ground coffee for every 250 ml of water and modify it slightly according to the tasting results we want to achieve.


What kind of equipment is necessary for dripper extraction?

Basically, dripper extraction requires only hot water, ground coffee, filters and of course a dripper! But for anyone who wants to get more involved with dripper extractions, precision extraction plays a big role, as a few degrees Celsius, a few seconds or a few grams can make the difference in a mug. For this reason, especially for beginners, it is a precision balance, a timer and a thermometer, in order to have complete control of all extraction variables.

Needless to say, a grinding mill is a must for anyone who loves coffee and experimenting with various extractions, while a kettle or jug ​​with a thin, long pouring spout helps a great deal with dripper extraction.


The complete guide for dripper extraction for begginers

  1. Put the paper filter in the dripper, and fasten your dripper to a mug or jug.
  2. Soak the paper filter slightly, pouring warm water. Remove the hot water that has run into the mug
  3. Weigh your coffee, calculating about 15 grams of ground coffee for 250ml of water. Coffee grind should be the same as for a French Press coffee machine, medium to thick. Place your coffee in the filter, stirring gently
  4. To be more precise, place the mug with your dripper on a scale.
  5. Pour 50 ml of water at a temperature of 91-92 degrees Celsius to create bubbles. This stage is called "pre-extraction"
  6. After 30 seconds, fill 100ml of water, pouring it in circular motions, aiming at the coffee and not at the ends of the filter.
  7. After 60 seconds, add 50ml of water
  8. After 90 seconds, make up to the last 50 ml of water left.
  9. If all goes well, between two and three minutes the extraction will be over. If the extraction is slow, next time grind your coffee thicker, if it is too fast, a little finer
  10. Shake your glass with gentle movements
  11. Your coffee is ready!


The guide may sound complicated to someone just starting out - but it's so detailed, just to fully grasp the nature of the extraction. After all, after the first mug of coffee, the details will be forgotten. What matters is first and always good coffee!