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What will be this summer's coffee?

Which frozen coffees will cool us this year?

Summer in Greece is related to cold, frozen and rejuvenating coffees - Greek coffee culture has many shows that match both high temperatures and Greek temperament. However, cold coffee in Greece has gone through several stages and continues to appear in different ways. We are staying in five popular frozen coffees, which will surely keep us company and will cool us this summer as well.


What will be this summer's coffee?


Frappe, the traditional: The monopoly of the Greek public's preferences for years, the frank was until recently the most widespread choice among the frozen summer coffees. With a story that begins in 1959 and the Thessaloniki International Fair, Frappe that is, instant coffee shaken with cold water, is easy to prepare, is cool and refreshing, but it is a fact that it is now considered old-fashioned and its popularity has begun for years to decline, at least among young people.

Frappe tends to be considered retro, but it does not cease to be a flavor associated with the Greek summer. On the other hand, instant coffee sticks is the easiest solution for a quick and stimulating coffee flavor whenever we need it. Surely, the flavor of frappe can not be compared to the density and complexity of an espresso, and the Greek coffee culture may have progressed considerably from the time of the instant coffee omnipotence, but nowadays there are quality choices in instant coffee that will we are making us a warm, hot day like Nescafe Gold.


Freddo Espresso, the Greek invention to be worshiped: The coffee that characterizes like no other Greek summer since the late '90s is without a doubt Freddo Espesso - but also his cousin, Freddo Cappuccino. No matter how hard it is to believe, these two coffees are a Greek invention. Espresso can undoubtedly be a classic Italian product, but the Italians do not leave hot coffee even during the heat of the year, unlike the Greeks. Thus, perhaps by resorting to some limited popularity of cold Italian preparations, the Greek baristi discovered Freddo Espresso in the late 1990s, hitting a double espresso with ice cubes and adding cold milk froth to prepare Freddo Cappuccino. Freddo Espresso has its own separate secrets, but with little practice everyone can prepare delectable frozen espresso. All you need is a good coffee blend suitable for freddo, an espresso machine and ice.

Freddo Espresso will be the most popular coffee for the Greek summer for many years to come. 

Cold Brew, the new trend: Cold Brew, cold-extracting coffee, is a trend that has grown ever-widening over the past few years. As it is extracted in cold water, it has a significantly different flavor profile than the usual filter coffee, as the characteristic bitterness of the coffee is absent, while the aromas are more intense and the aftertaste is sweet. Although Cold Brew is very easy to be prepared at home, it does not cease to have its own secrets in order to get it right.

A variation of Cold Brew, which is becoming more and more popular, is Nitro Cold Brew, that is, the cold extracted coffee that has been added with nitrogen, which gives it a creamy texture and a characteristic foam that reminds a lot of black beer.


Iced Filter Coffee, a trend that has not yet come to Greece: Particularly popular in Asian countries but dear to the US, frozen filter coffee is nothing more than proper filter coffee that has cooled in the refrigerator and is served with ice. It should not be confused with Cold Brew, as the different manufacturing process makes it have a completely different flavor profile. In Greece it is a fact that frozen coffee filter enjoys limited popularity, which is probably due to the fact that filter coffee is not high up to the taste of the Greek public anyway. However, a cold filter coffee prepared in a glass Pour Over coffee maker is full of flavors and can conquer even the most demanding palate. If you follow the example of the Asian countries, it is a good idea to serve it with cold milk (regular or sugary), but also with ice cubes made of coffee, for extra strong flavor.


Freddoccino, the Greek coffee-flavored granite: It is not a coffee in the strict sense of the term, but it is a delicious, summer drink that combines milk, coffee and chocolate, with a wonderful texture and excellent, full flavor. Freddoccino started in Greece, as in our country the search for cold, refreshing drinks was always stronger than other countries. Its texture resembles granite, and it is extremely easy to prepare the house, since all it takes is a blender.


Choices in cold coffees, of course, do not stop here, as there are original recopes, such as the Iced Greek Coffee, and dozens of imaginative recipes that also claim a share of our attention. Whatever you choose, the sure thing is that our summer will be cool and full of coffee taste!