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Seven reasons to get a coffee grinder now - if you don't already have one


Every coffee lover who wants to enjoy quality extractions at home also makes sense to start slowly building his equipment. Before we turn to specialized tools and sophisticated gadgets, however, let's start with the basics: a good grinding mill.

Everyone who loves espresso agrees that nothing compares to freshly ground coffee. Acquiring a coffee grinder is, for most people, the first step towards the most quality and delicious coffee cups - and often precedes the purchase of an expensive machine. If you belong to those who are still thinking about it, we've put together seven very good reasons to step a little faster - and enjoy even better coffee every day!


Γιατί η αγορά ενός καλού μύλου άλεσης είναι απαραίτητη;


Coffee beans retain their freshness longer

As soon as the coffee is grinded, the countdown to the loss of flavor and taste begins. Sure, there are commercially ground coffee in beautiful airtight packaging that can retain its freshness for quite some time, but nothing compares to the rich aromas of freshly ground coffee. Ground coffee, if stored properly, can keep its freshness and aromas unchanged for a long time, so that when we grind it, we can enjoy its taste and aroma to the maximum.


We have complete control over the degree of grinding

Whichever extraction we prefer and whatever coffee machine we use, the grinding deegree is one of the most important variables of the extraction, along with the temperature, the extraction time, etc. Having the ability to grind our own coffee, we have complete control over it of the variable, which will give us more successful extractions - and therefore better, tastier and more enjoyable coffee.


We can use more than one extraction method just as easily

Ready, ground coffee is intended for a specific machine, whether it's our espresso machine or the French Press machine. But what if we want to experiment with the same blend in more extraction ways, and what if we love the Cold Brew or an Aeropress gift in addition to espresso? Every appliance and every extraction method requires a certain grinding deegree, but with coffee beans and a good grinding mill, we can brew our coffee appropriately for whatever brewing we prefer - from espresso to filter and Greek coffee.


Wrong grinding is one of the main reasons we drink bad coffee at home

Many coffee lovers are unhappy with their home-made extracts - and there is a strong chance that our failed extracts will start with the wrong grinding of our coffee, which is easy to do if we rely on ready-made, ground coffee. If our coffee is too bitter, it is milder than it should be, and if its taste is weak, then it is thicker than ideal. With the grinding mill we can correct the cutting of the coffee, experimenting until we get the perfect result.


We take our espresso really seriously.

Those who have been involved with home-made espresso extracts know that extraction is almost reminiscent of science - a process that requires experience, experimentation and, of course, good equipment. A good coffee grinder is especially good for anyone who wants to really enjoy quality espresso at home, both because it is essential to enjoy coffee fragrances to the fullest, and because we can control the grinding, resulting in the ideal degree of fit. our machine and the blend we use - there are a few blends that, by their very nature, may require slight variations in their cut to maximize performance.


We have a wider range of options

Many companies market their blends in the form of ground coffee and airtight packaging, but there is no doubt that the variety is significantly greater in packages containing coffee beans. There are still companies that do not even have their blends in the form of ground coffee, and even in the grassroots companies, the choices in the form of beans are much more.


We pour a lot of coffee costs

Ground coffee costs more than coffee beans, both because of the processing required and because it is usually available in packs of 250g or 500g, which increases packaging costs and is naturally passed on to the consumer. Although the cost difference is not immediately perceptible, for anyone who enjoys their coffee daily, it is a significant burden, which will further reduce the cost of buying the coffee grinder very quickly.


If you already have a grinding mill, probably grind your grains right now to enjoy another perfect espresso… if not, take the decisive step towards the coffee you deserve!