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Five trends in coffee packaging for 2022


How coffee iconography is influenced by the times we live in?

In a product as popular as coffee, its packaging is not just "a box" or a "bag", but a separate sector, influenced by the total zeitgeist of the time, but at the same time co-forms it. Examining the packaging of coffee by season, but also the individual parts of its iconography (logos, fonts, sizes, etc.) we can understand many things about the spirit of the times, the habits of the people and the overall aesthetics that prevailed. After all, we are talking about a product with a global reach, beloved in all lengths and breadths of the planet, with wide distribution and scope.

In this spirit, it may be particularly interesting to see the trends emerging for the packaging of our favorite coffee in 2022, a year that has already been marked by major changes in our daily lives, but also a strong element of uncertainty.

Five trends in coffee packaging for the coming year


Simplicity, minimalism and a clear message: This trend is not just about coffee, but a wider range of products, in which we see a return to "back to basics" packaging. Many marketing experts argue that simple packaging, with its clear typography, clean lines, pale, soft colors, and easy-to-understand information, is an important reference point in the chaotic daily life of the coronavirus. The same trend is expected to find immediate application in coffee packaging, with the necessary information (composition, origin, intensity, aroma, taste, etc.) to be clearly and clearly stated, integrated into a simple and functional set.

Text-centric: The history of coffee marketing has been largely linked to illustration, which for years monopolized both its packaging and its advertising applications, perhaps with photography. The recent cult of typography is also expected to influence the coffee industry, giving logos, packaging, names and aesthetics that are based more on typographic elements, such as letters, numbers, colors, etc.

Back to the millennium:
It is a fact that aesthetics and fashion go in circles, returning to the forefront from time to time. From the 80ies revival that we experienced lately, we are expected to move on to what briefly calls Y2K and is the aesthetics of the "millennium era", ie the late 90s and early 00s. Of course, this will not leave unaffected the packaging of such a popular product as coffee: geometric shapes, silver and gold backgrounds, neon shades, sharp contrasts are just some of the elements of a futuristic and nostalgic aesthetic today, which we will surely see in packages of our favorite coffee.

Thoroughly carefree and natural:
The gradual abolition of plastic and the shift of the consumer public to more environmentally friendly packaging, has led companies to approach this area. Compostable materials or materials with the least possible industrial processing, natural materials such as wood, linen or cloth, reusable packaging are just some of the applications in this trend in the coffee industry, which is accompanied by "thoroughly neglected" packaging, but they look much more natural and environmentally friendly.

Waking up the child we hide inside:
For years, the illustrations of coffee were dominated by an exoticism, which several times even went beyond stereotypes. Although this type of iconography has given rise to masterpieces that have become integral parts of pop culture, the future of coffee will be different. The collective depression of the coronavirus seems to give ground to humor and the lightest approach, something that will surely be seen in coffee packages this year. Animals, plants, simple sketches, childhood, humor and tender approach are sure to find space in our coffee bags and boxes.

Our coffee has never been just "a cup of coffee" - despite a cohesive element of the world and everyday life, in which even the way the logo of our favorite brand is written matters.