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5 + 1 trends in the coffee world for the year that starts


Όσα θα απασχολήσουν καφελάτρες και επαγγελματίες του καφέ μέσα στο 2020.

Coffee is much more than just a drink - it is the favorite habit of millions of people around the world and a key feature of our daily lives. It is therefore normal for coffee to be influenced by the trends of everyday life, but also to shape its own trends, which in turn shape new habits, new tastes and new practices.

Both coffee lovers and caterers are coming up with new data every year - these new data we are trying to map, unleashing six new trends from the magical world of coffee that are sure to interest us in 2020.


5 + 1 trends in the coffee world for the year that starts


Frozen coffees will gain greater market share

To us, this is not news, as iced coffees have always been popular in our country, from traditional frappe to Freddo Cappuccino and Freddo Espresso, which are, after all, Greek inventions. However, in recent years there has been a growing popularity of frozen coffee beans internationally, even in places not traditionally touched by cold coffee. Leading the way in this trend is expected to be Cold Brew, which has already created its own fan base in Greece, as well as spritzer coffees.


Spritzer coffees may be the next trend for next summer

By spritzer coffee we mean cold coffee to which aerated soft drinks such as soda or tonic have been added. The start was with the Nitro Cold Brew, that is, the iced coffee with added nitrogen, resulting in a creamy texture and distinct taste, while many shops now serve Espresso Tonic, a special beverage that combines the power of espresso with refreshments of tonic. In this context, we should certainly expect coffees that use carbonated soft drinks, such as soda or lemonade, especially during the summer months.


Vegetable milk is gaining ground

With the vegetarian diet and the various healthy eating trends constantly spreading, milk substitutes will surely be more popular in the year just beginning. Almond and soy milk, oat milk, herbal creams are definitely an alternative for both those who are lactose intolerant and those looking for vegetarian versions of their cappuccino or latte.


Recyclable packaging, biodegradable straws, paper cups: end in plastic.

Assisted by the relevant legislative initiatives, the tendency to remove plastic from our daily lives could not leave coffee unaffected. It is shocking to think of the environmental footprint of a single glass of coffee as well as the multitude of trash our favorite habits leave behind, so it is easy to see how changing the way we drink our coffee is imperative. Starting from our own home, we can easily choose recyclable packaging, limit disposable plastics and also choose biodegradable straws - anyway, the subject will be discussed especially in the year ahead.


Shrinking Greek coffee, but also instant

This is not just about this year's trend, but about consolidating an irreversible situation that has been going on for years. The decline in espresso home prices, the proliferation of encapsulated machines, the many blend options and consumables have all contributed to the omnipresence of espresso in the Greek market, with Italian coffee being fully adopted and shared by many. "preservatives". In this context, the target audience of Greek coffee and instant coffee is shrinking, and will decline dramatically from now on.


Black is my true coffee color

Milk is not only eliminated from coffee because of the vegetarian substitutes, but it seems to be a habit that declines throughout the year. It is a fact that on the one hand the increasing choice of blends and the possibility of quality espresso even at home has made many coffee lovers add milk to their coffee sparingly in order to enjoy their coffee as much as possible. . On the other hand, beverages like cappuccino or latte are particularly popular in Greece, so things are a little fluid - but 2020 will probably be a year with less milk.


Of course, nothing is absolute and there are no rules, of course! However, trends in the coffee field are important, both for coffee lovers and for business professionals alike, as they show potential market trends. Only one thing matters: good coffee - the coffee we deserve.