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Bulletproof : discover America's new favrourite buttercoffee !


Among the weird coffees that spring up every now and then (especially from the other side of the Atlantic) there is a special, greasy coffee that has become and internet sensation and has gained a cult status, before emerging into a trend : Bulletproof Coffee.

Bulletproof Coffee was invented by Dave Asprey, a New Mexico businessman, who tried to combine his love for morning coffee with the butter tea he had tried on a trip to Tibet. After some experiments, he ended up in Bulletproof Coffee, mixing filter coffee with butter and coconut oil.

Although it does not look so healthy at a first glance, according to his fanatics, bulletproof coffee is a complete breakfast on its own, ideal for the energy needed during the day. His inventor claims that Bulletproof combines the beneficial properties of coffee with  the energy given by fat, resulting in improving cognitive functions, increasing strength and spiritual clarity. Naturally, the first to embrace Asprey's beverage were individuals with demanding and exhausting working hours, especially those working in the Silicon Valley. Slowly, Bulletproof Coffee gained a cult status among them and slowly began to become a trend.

Bulletproof Coffee is particularly popular among those who follow the "Keto" diet, which is characterized by a combination of low carbohydrate intake and high intake of fats. Bulletproof Coffee, rich in butter and vegetable oils, is an ideal supplement for those who follow this type of diet – but its calories may be a problem  for anyone who continues to follow the usual, balanced diet.


What do you need to prepare a homemade Bulletproof Coffe :

  • Filter Coffee
  • Cow Butter
  • Coconut Oil
  • Whipped Cream (optional)


How to prepare Bulletproof Coffee :

  • Prepare a regular filter cofee
  • Place the coffee, while still hot, in a blender
  • Add the butter. You need 2 tablespoons of butter for each cup of coffee
  • Add the coconut oil. You need 1 tablespoon of coconut oil for each cup of coffee
  • Mix well for 45 seconds using the blender. Bulletproof coffee should have the looks and the texture of a creamy latte and be somehow foamy at the top.
  • If you choose to use whipped cream, you can either add it before mixing the coffee, or top your beverage with it




Tips :


  • Beware of the calories ! Bulletproof coffee contains two large spoonfuls of butter and vegetable oil, which makes it a calorie bomb. If you do not follow the Keto diet, you must be very careful in calculating the calories and avoid consuming fats or sweets during the same day you had the bulletproof coffee.
  • Don’t forget that Bulletproof is more or less created by a company, which claims that the only way to get it right is by using its own specific ingredients. Keeping the basic idea and recipe and experimenting with different ingredients, you can make your own version of Bulletproof coffee.
  • In its original version, Bulletproof coffee contains MCT oil, a special dietary supplement, instead of coconut oil. As MCT oil is relatively expensive and sold in specialized stores, it can be replaced with coconut oil, which will add extra flavor to your coffee.
  • If you don't like the combination of coffee with coconut's taste, you can choose tasteless, scentlees coconut oil
  • You should use cow butter, preferably organic, and of course, unsalted - although some bulletproof enthusiasts claim that salted butter improves coffee's taste ! 
  • Usually, no sugar is added in Bulletproof coffee, not only in order no to add even more calories to it, but because keto fanatics generally avoid sugar. However, Bulletproof's taste is so rich that usually noone wants extra sugar.
  • By adding some cocoa powder, you transform your beverage into a Bulletproof Mocha.  You should add a teaspoon of cocoa for each cup of coffee.