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Visit wintertime spain, by tasting a Café con Miel


Coffee is a particularly versatile beverage, since it can easily be married with plenty of materials and accompaniments, giving special and unique beverages. Café con Miel from Spain is a delicious winter honey with honey!

Lots of things have been written about whether the coffee is tastier neat or with sugar and milk. Yet even the most fanatical fans of the neat coffee will change their minds  if they taste for Café con Miel. As its name suggests, Café con Miel is nothing but a strong coffee filter to which honey, milk and some spices are added. In his birthplace, Spain, Café con Miel is usually served after dinner, being sweet, hot and creamy, can replace the dessert, while giving the necessary coffee boost.

Café con Miel is simple to prepare, especially delicious and due to its combination of flavors, it is the perfect closure for a winter dinner. But it also stands as an afternoon coffee, accompanied by cookies or a piece of light sweet. The intensity of the coffee and the spicy character of the spices are unique to the heady aromas of honey, making guests call you "Uno mas, por favor!".


What do you need for a Café con Miel?


  • Two cups of filter coffee
  • ½ cup of milk
  • 4 full of tablespoons of honey
  • ¼ teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • a pinch of cinnamon
  • a pinch of nutmeg



How is Cafe con Miel prepared?
  • Prepare the coffee filter and keep it warm
  • In a saucepan, warm the milk, taking care not to boil it
  • Dissolve honey in warm milk
  • Add the spices to the milk-honey mixture
  • Mix warm milk with coffee
  • Serve in small cups (espresso or cappuccino)


Tips for a delicious Cafe Con Miel

  • Prefer a strong coffee blend that will add strength  to the beverage and blend in with the honey and spice flavors like Eduscho Premium.
  • The choice of honey plays a crucial role, as you can imagine, for the final taste of the beverage. You can experiment with honey with a different flavor profile: orange honey will give light citrus notes to the coffee, eriki honey will give touches of caramel,, while if you are daring, try koumaria honey, whose natural bitterness will make the coffee still more intense!
  • If you want the coffee to have a slightly more creamy, "milky" feel, replace the fresh milk with condensed milk - but not with sugar, as honey is sweet on its own.
  • If you do not find vanilla extract, you can drop a few drops of ready-made caramel syrup.
  • Traditionally, being particularly sweet and after dinner, Café con Miel is served in espresso or cappuccino cups. There is, of course, no limitation, and for a better result, you can warm the cups slightly before serving, putting them in boiling water for a few minutes.
  • If you want an even more impressive appearance of your drink, choose a transparent glass and lay the materials in layers: first honey, then hot coffee and milk in the form of milk foam, giving every guest the opportunity to spoil the the layers, stirring the coffee. 


Coffee is offers itself for many experiments, and the tasty combinations that can arise are truly countless - as long as we have imagination and mood for experimentation. In your next winter coffee, give a note from Spain, making a delicious Café con Miel!