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Caffe de Olla : an aromatic coffee hailing from Mexico, suitable for autumn afternoons


As long as summer fades away, we'll be looking for special, hot coffees to match our autumn mood: Caffe de Olla from distant Mexico looks like an ideal choice!

Each country has its own, unique coffee culture, which depends on many factors such as the climate, people’s everyday life, its gastronomic heritage and its traditional products. Mexico's spice-rich cuisine, as well as the Mexican open-hearted temperament, definitely influenced the way Mexicans enjoy their coffee: Mexico’s traditional coffee is the sweet and spicy Caffe de Olla.

If we literally translate Caffe de Olla, it means "Coffee in clay", as Caffe De Olla is made in a traditional clay pot, which the Mexicans believe to give its earthly aromas to the brewed coffee. Caffe De Olla, rich in aromas of spices, is usually prepared in large quantities, kept warm on low heat and is the traditional treat for every visitor of the home. The spice spar, the sweetness of Mexican sugar and the flavor of coffee shape waht international trends of gastronomy today call "comfort food": it is a simple, hot drink, rich in flavors and tastes, that can carry the warmth of a happy Mexican home - even if we have never been in this country.

Caffe de Olla's recipe must necessarily be transposed into Greek standards. Beyond the traditional clay pot, the biggest change concerns the sugar used. For the preparation of Mexican coffee, piloncillo is used, ie raw cane sugar, which is extremely popular throughout Central and South America and is characterized by a strong, fruity taste. As it is difficult to buy it in Greece, we can replace piloncillo with raw brown sugar. If we even add a little molasses syrup, the tasty effect will greatly reach the authentic Caffe De Olla.


What do we need for a Caffe de Olla?

  • 4 cinammon sticks
  • 2 asteroid anise
  • 2 cloves
  • 45 gr brown sugar
  • 1 piece of orange peel
  • 500 ml water
  • 3 tablespoon coarse ground coffee



 How is Caffe de Olla prepared? 

  • In a pot, combine the water, the sugar and the spices
  • Boil in high heat, until the sugar is completely dissolved
  • Keep boiling for five more minutes in low heat
  • Turn of heat, add the coffee and stir gently
  • Having covered the pot, leave the mixture for five minutes
  • Using a paper coffee filter, strain the coffee
  • Serve in small glasses







Tips for an enjoyable Caffe de Olla

  • If you decide to use molasses syrup, a teaspoon is enough. You can add it in the beginning, along with sugar and the spices.

  • Traditionally, Caffe de Olla uses dark roast blends – or, as they call it, “Mexican roast” blend.. Any dark blend is suitable for Caffe de Olla.

  • Attention to the right grinding: Coarse grind is recommended, so that coffee can be properly brewed and easily filtered. If you use finer ground coffee, you may end up in a cloudy and muddy beverage.

  • To prepare a "Mexican Moka", a drink ideal for cold mornings just add 60 grams of bitter chocolate in the readymade Caffe De Olla and boil the mixture until the chocolate dissolves.

  • If you wish to add a note of alcohol, a tablespoon of rum or Kalhua liqueur is the ideal choice.

  • Even if you do not prepare it in a traditional clay pot, it is a good idea to serve Caffe de Olla in small, colorful clay shots: you will impress your guests and you will come half a step closer to the Mexican coffee culture.

  • Due to its manufacturing process, Caffe de Olla is always prepared in large quantities. It’s a good idea not to drink coffee that is not freshly brewed, in order to avoid stomach irritations.