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Captain's Coffee with rum and sambuca for the Christmas table


A special recipe with the approval of Istituto Espresso Italiano.

Istituto Espresso Italiano was founded in 1998 and is the custodian of the quality and tradition of authentic Italian espresso. It is one of the most important and influential institutions in the coffee market and collaborates with hundreds of espresso brands and espresso machine companies, setting and controlling specific standards for traditional Italian coffee.

Despite its insistence on keeping the traditions and authenticity of Italian espresso, the IEI has proven many times that it is in line with its time and is not afraid of experimentation. For this year's Christmas, he asked various important people in the field of Italian espresso (baristi, brand ambassadors, pastry chefs, roasters and blenders) for a recipe that combines Italian coffee with the magic of Christmas. The result was a series of festive recipes, from "teased" cantucci and panetone to unexpected combinations of espresso tonic and mochas with hot pepper!

We have chosen one of these recipes to introduce you to "Captain's Coffe", created by barista Christian Oliveri, which combines Arabica coffee, Sambuca, aged rum, whipped cream and salted caramel syrup. This is a festive, comfort cafe, ideal for the closing of the Christmas dinner, which goes perfectly with cakes and desserts based on dark chocolate.


What do you need for Captain’s Coffee?

100ml filter coffee
20 ml shampoo
10 ml aged rum
Whipped cream
Salty caramel syrup

How is Captain’s Coffee 
prepared ?

We extract our coffee in Siphon, Dripper or Pour Over coffee maker calculating 60gr coarsely ground coffee / liter
Gently mix the coffee and drinks and distribute it in the glasses
Prepare the savory caramel syrup (or alternatively, heat our prepared syrup a little)
Mix the whipped cream with the syrup with gentle movements
Serve, "caping" each glass with whipped cream.

Tips for the ultimate festive Captain’s Coffee!

The recipe requires a 100% Arabica blend, aromatic and sweet drink, which will "tie" perfectly with the aromas of the drinks.
We consume responsibly, as our coffee contains two strong alcoholic beverages!
We can make homemade savory caramel syrup or use as much left over from making a dessert.
For greater convenience, we use ready-made caramel syrup.
If we want to replace the aged rum, we can use a little whiskey or a little brandy, but with a different taste effect.

This Christmas, the "Captain's Coffee" will steal the show at the Christmas table - do not forget to leave a glass for Santa Claus.