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Which espresso machine should I choose?


ow many times have you ever wondered about the espresso machine you have to choose for your home or office? By dividing the espresso machines into three main categories, we make the selection a bit easier!

Before choosing an espresso machine, it is good to think about our habits, our needs, the space available in our home, but also our taste in both coffee and design. The multitude of available espresso machines on the market, and even at very affordable prices, the one offering variety of options, the other can confuse anyone who makes his first steps in the world of espresso and confusing. There are few coffee lovers who continually put off buying an espresso machine, confused by the complicated terminologies and not understanding the use and features of an espresso machine. 

Although each espresso machine has its own unique features, we can divide our home espresso machines into three main categories, which greatly encode their function and respond to different needs. The first thing that every coffee lovers who wants to make the step towards a good homemade espresso is whether to choose an automatic / semi-automatic machine, a manual machine or even a machine with espresso capsules or tablets.


Automatic and semi-automatic espresso machines: Quality coffee at the touch of a button

Most home-made espresso machines belong to the category of automatic or semi-automatic machines. In this category we include single-click machines with no manual selection of temperature, pressure, etc., or even limited options. Most of the machines in this category have a built-in coffee grinder and receive coffee beans, making it easier to enjoy freshly ground coffee without having to buy a separate coffee grinder. Typically, espresso machines have predefined options for different extractions, such as espresso, doppio, lungo or ristretto, and the quality of the coffee they produce is stable. Depending on its cost, an automatic machine can carry a steam nozzle or milk frother.

Automatic and semiautomatic machines are the most popular choice for those who want to enjoy constant quality espresso at home, combining ease of use, unlimited coffee options to be used, and minimizing the need for other parts such as milling mills or foams. On the other hand, they are usually quite bulky, require meticulous cleaning and desalination (especially if they also produce milk foam) and do not allow extra intervention and experimentation with the extraction procedures. They remain, however, the best option for anyone who wants a reliable coffee machine to produce steadily enjoyable espresso.


Capsule Espresso Machines : Things got easy

Another category of popular espreeso machines, both in homes and in business areas such as offices, businesses etc., is the capsule espresso machines. In these machines the extraction options are clearly more limited, but they are extremely small, they usually have a nice design and their prices are very affordable. For many machines, compatible capsules from various companies are available (compatible Nespresso capsules and Dolce Gusto compatible capsules are two characteristic examples), which ensures a fairly wide variety of available coffee blends, while handling is extremely easy and fast. On the other hand, the capsules are made of environmentally damaging materials, while the excessive simplification of the procedure may be a very good idea for workplaces, but it may deprive some coffee enthusiasts of something of the extraction magic.

Similar operating principles to capsule machines are followed by ESE-compliant machines, except that ESE tablets are nothing but preset espresso portions in a special paper casing. These machines offer convenience and convenience, while the coffee grinders and related accessories are not necessary. Several large coffee companies are selling special ESE tablets, while elegant ESE espresso machines are available at very advantageous prices.


Manual espresso machines: Demanding yet loveable

Manual, espresso machines require a great deal of familiarity with the secrets of making a proper espresso and are primarily aimed at those who really love the espresso and wish to have full control of the extraction process. Manual espresso machines are usually quite compact, sleek in design and very beautiful, but they certainly require the purchase of extra equipment such as coffee grinder and milk froather. In order to get a proper extraction with a manual espresso machine, you need special experience and experimentation with time, temperature, pressure and grinding, but the result and the choices available will compensate true espresso enthusiasts!


The choice of an espresso machine is not an easy task, but what we have to worry about, besides the design, appearance and price of an espresso machine, is our real needs and what our daily coffee means for us. In each machine category we will find models that will allow us to enjoy the right, quality espresso: everything is ultimately made for the perfect espresso cup!