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What happens when our coffee is too bitter?


The natural bitterness of coffee is a normal and often desirable feature. But when it becomes unpleasant, it may be an example that we are doing something wrong or how to adapt our habits.

The bitter taste, one of the five flavors that humans can recognize, is certainly less popular and less desirable. However, bitterness usually belongs to the natural characteristics of coffee, and mixed with other flavors, it usually enriches its palatable flavor and enhances the taste experience. But when the bitter taste begins to dominate our coffee and become unpleasant, we have to worry: either do something wrong during the extraction process, or we should review our tastes.

We divided the causes of bitterness into two main categories, those due to mistakes in brewing, and those related to our personal taste. As a matter of course, before we start adding sugar or looking for other blends, we need to be sure that the extraction is done properly and the problems discussed below do not arise.


Why is my coffee bitter? 

Grinding deegree is not the proper one

If the espresso we drink begins to bite badly, this may be an indication of the wrong degree of grinding. If our coffee is ground more than it should, the hot water will penetrate it for longer than proper, causing it to "burn" and give it a bitter taste. The same applies to filter extraction, although the result is usually not so intense. 

Water temperature is too high

Coffee may be "burned", that ends to a bitter result, and because of the high temperature of the water. The espresso should be extracted at a temperature of 91-92 degrees Celsius (always depending on the extraction time and the degree of grinding), and filter extraction should not exceed 96 degrees Celsius. A good idea is water temperature measurement - if the filter coffee maker does not allow temperature intervention, we can experiment with a French Press or Pour - Over method.


Our equipment is dirty

One of the worst enemies of the espresso is a dirty espresso machine, either from salt or from coffee residue. We do not neglect the cleaning of our machine and its regular desalination, so that we can be sure that it always works to its full potential and that the taste of our coffee is not spoiled due to its inadequate cleaning. 

Everything is done propelry and yet coffee seems too bitter! 


Choose a less roasted blend

Coffee roasting have varying degrees, from light to medium and finally dark and very dark. While caffeine content does not differ greatly with roasting time, the flavor profile changes significantly. Light and moderately roasted coffees have a smoother taste, with more emphasis on the natural characteristics of coffee, while dark roasts dominate smoky and caramel notes, while increasing bitterness. If your coffee is bitter, try a less roasted blend.


Choose a 100% Arabica blend

Sometimes, espresso blends have an increased presence of Robusta, which gives coffee power, body, and the desired cream. Although the espresso fanatics usually appreciate the virtues of Robusta, there is no doubt that the strong presence of this variety in a blend makes it stronger and more bitter. If it does not fit your taste, do not hesitate to look for more sweet and gentle, 100% Arabica blends.


Add some sugar or milk

Although most coffee enthusiasts argue that only plain, coffee evokes its taste, there are people who just have different taste. If you belong to them, add a little sugar or a little milk - but watch out for calories, as sugar and milk increase the almost zero calories of a coffee.


Add a pinch of salt

Several people claim that a minimum amount of salt in the coffee mutes its bitterness - although the views about it differ. If you try it, keep in mind that the salt you add to the coffee should be minimal, otherwise you will end up in a coffee that will be bitter and salty.


Coffee is a special delight - and a a touch of bitterness just makes it more intense. But if the bitterness prevails in your mug, follow our tips and find the coffee you deserve again!