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Give your breakfast a twist using coffee butter!


Coffee is the essential ingredient of every good breakfast - just as sweet and essential as breakfast is butter. Is there a way to combine them?

When we think of "breakfast at home", our minds usually go to moments of family relaxation and a table (or a tray in the bed, of course) filled with goodies: juice, croissants, eggs, cereal milk, and of course coffee, and of course butter, which can be spread on bread, pancakes or croissants, and generally give us the energy to start our day.

Although it has enough calories and although it is particularly rich in cholesterol, butter in physiological doses is particularly nutritious and should be part of our diet - of course not to abuse. Can we combine our love for coffee, the taste and the favorite texture of  butter? With a very easy recipe, we can prepare coffee-flavored butter that will add another dimension to our breakfast!

Coffee butter is a very simple preparation that does not require special craftsmanship or odd materials. It can be easily stored in the refrigerator and can be used in a variety of ways: if we get used to squeezing our slices with butter, coffee butter will give them a flavor that almost resembles mocha, while of course we can use it when preparing desserts such as cakes or biscuits that need butter - if of course, the taste of coffee matches. Still, we can use coffee butter to bake our favorite steak: fat from butter and the smoky feeling that coffee leaves will enchance our meat's taste!


What do we need to prepare coffee butter?

  • 1/3 cup of cream
  • 45 gr ground espresso
  • 240 gr of unsalted butter
  • ½ teaspoon of salt

How do we prepare coffee butter?

  • Heat the cream on medium heat for 3-4 minutes
    Strain in a turban, holding the relatively clear liquid
  • Let it cool down
  • In a blender, mix the salt, the espresso, the liquid from the cream and the butter at room temperature until it was homogenized
  • Store it in a sterile jar.


Tips for making and using coffee butter
  • Coffee butter may be kept in the refrigerator for a few days, provided it is in sterile jars.
  • There is no reason to use a delicious, aromatic coffee mix for this meal, as all blends will give satisfactory results.
  • A good idea is to use stale coffee that you are afraid of losing its aromas.
  • Attention to calories and cholesterol intake: as delicious and nutritious as butter, it is good to be avoided by people suffering from obesity or cardiovascular disease.
  • The right coffee grind for this recipe is the espresso grind: if you grind our coffee coarser, it will be slighlty bitter, and if you use more finely ground coffee, the result will lose its taste.
  • Attention to children: coffee butter is delicious and reminiscent of sweet, while children generally love praline-like spreads. However, we should not forget that it contains caffeine, and therefore it is not suitable for young children.
  • Salt may seem odd, but on the one hand pleasantly matches the oiliness of the butter and the taste of the coffee, and on the other hand it helps to preserve the mixture.



It is truly innumerable what we can prepare, based on our favorite coffee. The next morning, next to your espresso, you can have a tasty and aromatic butter ready to add another note to breakfast bread!