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Eggs, milk, Whiskey and Coffee: Get to know Eggnog!


The caffeinated version of the most popular American Christmas drink.

Although it is almost unknown in Greece, Eggnog has a leading role in the Christmas tables of America and Canada, as well as in England, where it comes from. Its name could be translated as "eggbeer", since nog is an old English word for strong beer. Eggnog, with its creamy texture and strong flavor, combines eggs and milk with spices and strong alcohol, such as rum, whiskey or sherry.

Its roots are found in the monks and aristocrats of medieval England, who used to enjoy a drink of milk and eggs in the winter months, with a dose of strong alcohol. With the creation of the United States, European settlers transferred the custom to their new homeland, using rum initially, and then the recipe was standardized using bourbon, that is, American whiskey.

Slowly, the new festive beverage conquered the entire American continent, from Canada to Central and South America, while it is said that George Washington himself played a role in establishing it, serving it as a feast for his guests. In every country and every state of America, we find variations, as the spices used or the type of alcohol added to the drink often change, but the essence is the same: a viscous, aromatic and comforting Christmas drink!

The version we present is one of the most popular and beloved, but it has the necessary twist for coffee lovers: adding a little coffee to make eggnog the perfect drink for a magical Christmas morning.


What do you need for a Coffee Eggnog?

  • 1 cup of  milk
  • A pinch of grated nutmeg
  • A pinch of grated cinnamon
  • A little vanilla
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 4 teaspoons of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of rum or whiskey
  • Filter coffee or espresso


How is Coffee Eggnog prepared?

  • In a saucepan heat the milk and spices, without letting them boil.
  • In a bowl beat well with the four egg yolks and sugar
  • Pour the hot milk into the egg mixture slowly and carefully, stirring constantly, so that the eggs are not cut.
  • Pour all the mixture into the saucepan and boil for about three minutes until the mixture is slightly tight.
  • Let it cool, add the alcohol you prefer and mix
  • Add the coffee, calculating that 2/3 of our mug should have eggnog and 1/3 of coffee.
  • Serve with a little whipped cream and grated nutmeg.


Tips for a Successful Coffee Eggnog

The milk used must be full fat and at room temperature. Many variants use extra cream, but it is not necessary. 

Although, despite the popular perception, the eggs in the beverage are not raw but lightly cooked, it is advisable to use the freshest eggs possible

The egg mixture is incorporated into the warm milk by movements that resemble avgolemono, in order not to "cut" the mixture

You can use rum, whiskey, brandy or cognac as well as some liqueur. Avoid the intense, "whipping" flavors that will disorient the whole set.

Prefer a 100% Arabica blend, which will add points to our tasting set - if you use espresso, we prepare a double espresso (doppio)

Add alcohol at will, as long as you don't overdo it! The first settlers added generous doses of alcohol to withstand the cold, but you don't want a strong drink, except for the sweet scents of whiskey or rum we would use.

We always enjoy responsibly, just like any alcoholic beverage.

Coffee Eggnog is not suitable for children because of alcohol and caffeine. Keeping the "base" of the drink, we can add some cocoa or melted chocolate and make Virgin Choco Eggnog for the little ones.

What would Christmas be like without their taste? This year, next to the croissants, the mollusks and the dumplings, we give a different aroma at Christmas morning with a drink on the other side of the Atlantic.