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How "bad" is coffee on an empty stomach?


It is indeed such a harmful habit to drink coffee without a snack;

Coffee is not only the most popular beverage in the world, but it is also a beverage with many and multiple benefits to the human body. Although coffee is only contraindicated for very specific categories of people (such as teenagers and children and pregnant women), there are many who continue to associate it with unpleasant situations, such as insomnia, stress and of course stomach upset.

Many argue that we should definitely avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach, as it can pose risks to our health. How close is this claim to the truth? We are looking at three popular rumors about consuming coffee on an empty stomach that we have all heard from time to time.


How "bad" is coffee on an empty stomach?

Coffee causes overproduction of stomach acids:
It is a fact that the chemical composition of coffee causes a strong production of stomach acids in relation to other liquids, such as water or milk. The production of these stomach acids is completely normal, and the fact of lack of other foods does not damage the gastric mucosa, as many believe. In fact, there are no reliable studies to prove anything about it, unless we are talking about people with a history of stomach ailments and sensitivity, who may be advised to avoid coffee in general. In general, for a balanced breakfast it is good to combine our favorite drink with a healthy snack that will fill us with energy, however the chances of getting something while drinking coffee on an empty stomach are, in fact, small.

Coffee on an empty stomach causes stress and anxiety: Cortisol is a hormone produced by the body and has various functions, such as regulating blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and metabolism. Cortisol is called the "stress hormone", as in excessive levels it increases the feeling of stress in the body. It is a fact that coffee consumption increases cortisol production in the body, but the effects disappear quickly, they are milder in those who consume coffee regularly and most importantly, it has not been shown that consuming coffee on an empty stomach increases cortisol more than coffee consumption. on a full stomach.

Coffee with milk is even worse for the stomach: One of the most enduring myths about coffee advises that if it is to drink coffee without eating something in the morning, it would be good to drink it at least plain, and not with milk. Milk, the legend continues, "softens" the stomach, so the possible side effects are even more intense. There is nothing true in this myth! If someone is sensitive to coffee, consuming it may cause unwanted stomach side effects, regardless of whether the coffee is plain or with milk, while most coffee lovers will not understand the slightest difference. In fact, milk in a breakfast is essential, if not in our coffee, then in a bowl of cereal or muesli.

Certainly, a balanced breakfast can not consist of a plain cup of coffee, as it does not give us the energy we need to start our day. On the other hand, it is almost certain that, if we do not already face health problems, our coffee, even ... rye, will not bother us at all.