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Easy coffee popsicles, with just three ingredients!


Ένα παγωμένο σφηνάκι καφέ, όποτε το θελήσουμε! 

In the summer, there are times when we feel we want to have a strong and refreshing dose of coffee instantly - for example, when we start for the office, when we return home after a busy day or after lunch. And while of course there are many exciting recipes for frozen coffees, all of them need some time to get ready. How nice would it be to have a small, toned coffee shot ready whenever we want it?

Ice Cream Popsickles are a simple and easy solution for a quick dose of frozen coffee whenever we want it! They require just three materials, they are sophisticated in their manufacture and are the best for hot summer days. Certainly, their texture differs greatly from what we know as granite, but again, it's an easy and playful solution that can also lead to interesting serving suggestions.


What do you need for the Coffee Popsickles?

  • 1 cup cold coffee
  • ½ cup cold milk
  • 1-4 tablespoons granulated sugar

How are coffee popsickles made?

  • Mix coffee and milk
  • Add sugar and stir until it's dissolved
  • Place in popsickles case and refrigerate over night


Tips for delicious coffee popsickes

  • It is important that both milk and coffee are cold so they do not create crystals on the granite but they do not cause a problem in the freezer
  • Usually, coffee popsickles are prepared with filter coffee that has cooled, but you can make it with any coffee you like
  • If you add some coffee syrup instead of sugar, you will have coffee granites with splendid, different flavors, such as candy, chocolate or hazelnuts.
  • If you do not have granite cases, you can put the coffee in any plastic case and fix the skewers when the mixture starts to freeze
  • If the popsickles do not break out of their cases, quickly dip them into hot water to soften and get off easily
  • You can put in the coffee various garnishes such as chocolate pieces, nuts etc
  • Children will find them attractive, but they should not consume them as they contain caffeine.
  • An original serving suggestion: Serve a coffee and use a popsickle  instead of ice cubes. The warm-cold temperature contrast, play with textures and beautiful looks will make your coffee unforgettable.
  • Sugar is essential because it prevents the mixture from becoming too hard. Even if you prefer your coffee straight, add even a full spoonful of sugar.

This summer, fill the freezer with delicious and delicious coffee popsickles - when the temperature rises again, a frozen coffee spout directly from the freezer will be a  a real treat.