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A new era for filter coffee


The old "French" coffee, in new adventures.

Filter coffee, the "French" as we called it for years in Greece, is a fact that has never been very popular in our country. Identified many times with hotel breakfasts, office spaces and work meetings but also with a relatively older audience, filter coffee has been characterized for many years as tasteless, heavy and watery, with a flat aroma. This was largely due to the conventional, electric filter coffee makers, which do not allow any control of the extraction factors and which, due to the extremely hot water they use, make the coffee lose aromas and flavors.

Today, thanks to the infamous "Third Wave of Coffee" which made coffee a culinary delight and brought back to the forefront forgotten methods of extraction, the younger generations know an aromatic filter coffee, with a wonderful, full taste, which has nothing to do with the sinner. French ”of the past. The new era in filter coffee has dawned for a long time, and we can meet its protagonists, three special manual devices for filter coffee.


Pour Over: Elegance, functionality and complete extraction control

Bad language says that the popularity of glass, pour over coffee machines is due primarily to their elegant appearance and less to the extracts they offer, but that is only half true. Indeed, Pour Over glass appliances are one of the most visible coffee machines you will come across, as their design is based on the German Bauhaus school and has already found its place in major design museums around the world. Leaving aside the fact that they are a real gem for any kitchen, the glass Pour Over machines offer really quality filter extracts, as they offer complete control of the extraction. Grinding our coffee medium to thick and keeping a basic ratio of water / coffee, we can "play" with all the other variables (time, temperature, etc.) or even experiment with filters (using a metal filter that does not retain its oils brown or paper, for a lighter and "round" cup), ending with the result that suits us.

Purchase proposals: Pour Over 400ml Feggrini, Pour Over 200ml Feggrini


Aeropress: from a favorite gadget of hipster culture, one of the most popular filter coffee machines

Perhaps there is no more recent discovery in the field of coffee, since Aeropress is only fifteen years old, as it was invented in 2005 by Alan Adler. It offers an extremely short extraction time (about 90 seconds), and highlights the aromas of coffee, achieving a lower acidity, a more intense body and a concentration close to that of espresso, although the result looks more like filter coffee. air that allows water to pass through the ground coffee under pressure, leads to extremely delicious coffee, while the use of the device is very simple and easy. In fact, in recent years an online community of Aeropress users has been created, sharing tricks and patents (such as managing to make your mug look more like espresso), which shows the love that people have for this simple, beautiful and futuristic coffee machine.

Purchase proposal: Aeropress Aerobie


Dripper: Yesterday's device, tomorrow's mania

The dripper has a history dating back to the early 20th century, being one of the first consumer coffee machines ever designed, became particularly popular in the 1950s and was gradually forgotten due to the rise of espresso - to "resurrect" In the 00s, as part of the "Third Wave" of coffee. The dripper is nothing more than a conical device that accepts paper filters and applies to cups or jugs. It is made of ceramic or plastic and its design details allow on the one hand to handle the extraction efficiently and on the other hand unfold in the best way the characteristics of coffee. Being one of the simplest coffee machines, it is easily transported, allowing us to have quality coffee even outside the home, while its simple but smart design allows a lot of experimentation.

Purchase Proposal: Dripper Feggrini  600ml


The new era of coffee filter does not stop here of course - it extends to specially designed blends, unique single-variety coffees and devices from the laboratories of medieval alchemists, as these three simple and easy-to-use devices are the perfect way to get to know this new world.