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Flambé Mayan Coffee, the carnival coffee


Coffee, alcohol and ... fire, in a drink ideal for Carnival!

Flambé Cocktails are characterized by an impressive appearance, as during their serving, the bartender or waiter lights the cocktail with a lighter or match. The cocktail "sparkles" because of the alcohol, resulting in a special effect that wins the impressions. These drinks are usually drunk quickly, like shotguns, while it is needless to mention that special skill and training is required before serving them, as the alcohol is highly flammable, and the risk of accident is real.

One of the most interesting Flambé Cocktails is the Flambé Mayan Coffee, which has its roots in the carnival events of Central and South America and consists of two alcoholic beverages, coffee and ice cream. The combination of alcohol, ice cream and the strong taste of coffee results in a unique drink that can take off any festive gathering, while the impressive serving will drive all the guests crazy.

What do you need for Flambe Mayan Coffee?

15 ml Sambuca
15 ml Kahlua
1 teaspoon honey
1 cup of coffee
1 scoop of vanilla ice cream
Orange slices

How is Flambe Mayan Coffee prepared?

Wet the lips of our glass with the slices of orange, and stick sugar on the lips
Heat two metal saucers
Fill our glass of coffee, add the honey, stir and leave 2 cm free.
Fill the saucepans with the liqueurs (one in each) and light with a match
Pour the flaming liqueurs into the coffee
Fill with the ice cream ball and do not mix.
We drink fast!

Tips for a successful Flambe Mayan Coffee

 - Traditionally, coffee is made with Xtabentún, a Central American liqueur made from rum, anise and honey. As it is impossible to find it in Greece, we replace it with Sambuca, and flavor our coffee with a little honey.
- Prepare strong filter coffee, and keep it warm for the preparation of our cocktail.
- Enjoy responsibly! Flambe Mayan Coffee is an alcoholic cocktail, and it is drunk quickly, which can lead to intoxication. We consume wisely, to have a good time and not to get drunk, and of course we stay away from the wheel.
 - Instead of Kahlua, we can use any other coffee liqueur we have available.
 - It is a cocktail suitable for festive occasions and parties, since in addition to its taste, its main magic is its serving.
 - If you have never made a flambé cocktail before, it is better to experiment a bit on how to "light" the drinks, before serving. Long matches (like the ones we use for the fireplace) are the best solution, while of course special care is required and always a jug of water next to us, just in case.
 - Drink quickly so that the ice cream does not melt completely. The contrast of ice and hot makes Flambe Mayan Coffee exciting!
 - The glass used must be fireproof. A metal cup, like the one used by bartenders for such drinks, is an ideal choice.

Even if this year's Halloween will not be as we are used to and as we love them, we can give them a festive color with a Flambe Mayan Coffee - and practice our bartending skills, so that in time we can treat our whole company!

