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Beautiful artworks made of spilled coffee !


Did you just spill coffee on the tablecloth? Instead of grumbling, you can create something beautiful, like a scene from Alice in Wonderland, an elaborate ship or maybe just a portrait. This is what an Italian artist, Giulia Bernardelli, would do.

27-year-old Italian Giulia Bernardelli is a graduate of the Bologna Academy of Fine Arts and currently works in a museum creating educational programms for children. Her work with minors may have played a key role in the spontaneity of her art. As she has stated, she suddenly decided to replace her brush and paints with other materials such as fruit peels, leaves, and of course, spilled coffee!



The idea of coffee painting came to Guilia when she was drinking coffee. Watching her favorite drink moving into the cup made her realize the many different shades coffee can take. Without losing time, she turned her glass over onto a white sheet of paper and the cafe – painting started.

Her designs are inspired by nature, animals, cinema, literature, "from anything beautiful enough to create its own world", as she says, and of course spilled coffee! As she says, "coffee can create sharper shades than conventional ink. When I first used it, I was astonished that I had not thought of it earlier. "

Giulia’s works of art do not survive in their natural form, since, despite the artistic creation, she also has to… clean the spilled coffee. But she always takes a photo of her creations and shares them on her personal Instagram account - something that has made her extremely popular, as her café-paintings usually become viral.



Guilia Bernardelli has not stated which coffee she prefers for performing her art, but we can imagine that she shares the Italian passion for espresso. The next time you get your coffee spilled, instead of getting frustrated, try to paint - just prepare another cup of coffee to enjoy while you’re trying to paint Peter Pan !