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5 + 1 everyday "tricks" we can do with used coffee


Coffee is an almost magical beverage, tasty as well as enjoyable, and it also has many benefits to our health. Not surprisingly, there are interesting uses even for the remains of ground coffee!

We chose the grains we prefer, grinded our coffee, we prepared a delicious espresso ... when it is time to clean our coffee maker, we will face the ground coffee that was left from the extraction. Typically, this mass without form, made up of the ground coffee that we have already extracted, gets thrown it into rubbish without a second thought. But yet, we can use the coffee remnants in inventive ways to solve small everyday life problems.


 - Ged rid of persistent odors inside the fridge

A saucer with used, ground coffee inside your refrigerator can clean it from intense, unwanted smells like fish, cheese and vegetables. The extracted coffee itself is usually odorless and does not affect the smell of the refrigerator, but it has the power to neutralize the heavy smells of the refrigerator, leaving it cleaner.


- Clean your hand from unwanted smells

Cleaning fish, cutting onion or garlic or kneading minced meat can leave intense, undesirable odors that are not easily neutralized with water and soap. If you rub your hands with used, ground coffee beans, the odors will slowly start to subside. For really strong smells, rub your hands with coffee and then wash with soap as many times as necessary. Perhaps your hands in the end may have a smell of coffee, but it is definitely better than smelling onion or fish, isn’t it?


- Use ground coffee as a fertilizer

If you have a garden, you can use the used coffee as a fertilizer. The extracted coffee beans will attract worms, which in turn are necessary for enriching the soil with bacterial population and nutrients necessary for the good growth of the plants. Compared to other substances that have the same effect, coffee has the advantage of being odorless and does not attract other insects or rodents, like other organic wastes.


- Prepare a body exfoliation scrub

It may seem unbelievable, but he used coffee is a very good raw material for creating exfoliating scrub for our elbows, heels, arms and legs. Typically, the coffee used is mixed with coconut oil and applied to the skin, just like any other exfoliating scrub. Experts recommend not to use it at body parts with sensitive skin, as the grains can injure sensitive skin areas.


- Tame the fireplace's ashes

A little coffee put in the fireplace can stop the ashes from spreading throughout the living room. The precipice of coffee keeps the ashes, greatly reducing the suspended particles, but also making it easier to collect and discard ash. Caution: Put the coffee on the fireplace only when the fire has completely gone out and avoid the sharp movements that will scatter the ashes throughout the room.


Clean the dirt from pans, pots ets

A thin cloth dipped in used coffee can eliminate stubborn stains from cookware, such as burned fats. If you intend to test this method, note that it is not suitable for delicate ceramic utensils and non-stick surfaces, as scratches may occur. In any case, try cleaning with coffee first at a small point in the pot and then proceed to the rest.


In any case, remember that we do not throw the used coffee into the washbasin (as mixed with soap or fat can damage the plumbing) and that if you are composting, it is preferable to discard the used coffee in the compost bucket. The next time you clean your coffee maker, think about how to use your used coffee to make your daily life a little easier - your favorite drink also takes care of it!