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Είναι ο στιγμιαίος καφέςIs Instant Coffee Bad for Human Health?κακός για την ανθρώπινη υγεία;


We restore the reputation of the great "pariah" of the coffee family.

It is a fact that the taste and aroma of instant coffee is difficult to compare with the aromatic palette and the rich taste of other extracts, especially espresso. However, in addition to the taste preferences, instant coffee has acquired a "bad" name, presenting itself as low quality coffee and extremely harmful to human health. But is that the case?

As far as quality is concerned, it is a fact that instant coffee is made mainly from Robusta beans, which are generally inferior in quality to Arabica (without this, of course, being the norm). Also, there is no doubt that many "poor" instant coffee blends are on the market, with an airy aroma and heavy taste, which give the bad name to the whole "family" of instant coffee.

But in terms of the effect of instant coffee on human health, the situation is quite different!


Is Instant Coffee Bad for Human Health?


Instant coffee is rich in antioxidants.

As we know, coffee is the largest source of antioxidants in the modern diet, ie substances that are necessary for the human body. Strange as it may seem, the coffee content of antioxidants not only does not decrease with the processing of instant coffee, but, on the contrary, increases! Scientific studies have shown that coffee processing, which is essential for making instant coffee, increases the concentration of beneficial antioxidants, making a cup or a cup of instant coffee even more beneficial to the body than a corresponding "normal" cup of coffee.

Caffeine content does not differ significantly…

Despite the extremely widespread perception of "heavy" instant coffee, the truth is very different! Although caffeine content depends on both the variety of coffee and the extraction we use, in general instant coffee has less caffeine content than filter coffee, which is generally considered "light" coffee. Given that caffeine is the main source of various problems faced by certain sensitive organisms, such as insomnia, stomach problems, irritability, etc., we understand that the myth of "unhealthy" coffee is beginning to be debunked.

… But that's not always good!

Caffeine, for a healthy body without neurological or stomach sensitivities and provided it is not abused, is a substance beneficial to the human body, as it increases metabolism, improves brain function, and has a protective effect on the liver. The reduced presence of caffeine in instant coffee drinks also means a small reduction in all of these beneficial properties.

Instant coffee contains more acrylamide

However, instant coffee does contain an ingredient that is detrimental to human health, but this is by no means a concern. The reason for acrylamide, a chemical compound that is created by roasting and is observed in all foods that have undergone a similar treatment. The relationship between acrylamide overconsumption and the occurrence of health problems is controlled by experts, however the coffee content in this substance is negligible, although in instant coffee it is up to twice as much as in regular coffee.

Despite its "bad" name, instant coffee is not only unhealthy for human health, but also retains the beneficial properties of coffee in its entirety. And the only sure thing is that in its cold version, the hot summer afternoons are wonderful!