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How to drink coffee like a real Italian : The Ten Commandments


Italy certainly is the kingdom of coffee culture - it's also the birthplace of espresso! But how do Italians drink their coffee? How can one enjoy his coffee as a true local?

A lot has been said and written about the particular way Italians tend to drink their coffee. Although today many elements of Italian coffee culture are found throughout the world and the way Italians themselves drink their espresso may have been influenced by foreign habits, we have gathered 10 typical tips that can bring every visitor to Italy a little bit more close to the authentic habits of Italian coffee, making him feel even a little more Roman, Napolitan or Florentine.  


  • Coffee with milk? Only for breakfast ! 

Italy is the best place to enjoy Cappuccino, Macchiato, Latte and other coffees with milk, but only before 11:00 in the morning. The Italians cannot understand how it’s possible to enjoy milk coffees with a full stomach and the barista may look upset if you order a cappuccino late in the afternoon.


  • Κeep your order simple ! 

Italian coffee culture is all about simplicity. No one would think of ordering his whiskey with cola and mint leaves in a traditional Scottish pub, and the same goes for espresso in a café in Rome or Naples. There are local specialties in different regions of Italy, which are a bit cramped by the rule, but in general the Italian coffee culture is minimalistic.


  • Do not use the word "espresso"!

It's not, of course, forbidden or obsolete, but if you want to feel like a true Italian, simply ask for a “cafe": espresso is so popular in Italy that ordering a "cafe" is enough to bring you a delicious espresso without a second thought.


  • Do not go for "double" coffees ! 

You can order double espresso (espresso dopio) but this is a little bit far from Italian habits. The Italians drink a lot of coffee, but in many, small doses. Take a walk, and drink another one in another espresso bar!


  • Enjoy your espresso standing at the bar ! 

In most Italian cafes and espresso bars, the locals crowd up on the bar to enjoy their coffee - the classic Italian custom imposes espresso on the upright, and quickly! There are of course tables, in which the charge is usually higher, and Italians tend to avoid them.


  • First you pay, then you give your order ! 

In traditional espresso bars, you first pay to the cashier and then order to the barista, showing him the ticket. Having this in your mind will save you time and feel a little closer to the locals who order their espresso next to you.


  • Shout your order loudly ! 

It is not obligatory, but anyone who was experienced the loudness and the noise of south Italian espresso bars know that sometimes it's a good idea to shout a little bit at the barista.


  • Enjoy your coffee hot ! 

Although Italy's climate is quite similar to that of Greece, Italians drink hot coffees (and of course, mainly espresso) throughout the whole year. Their cold coffee is usually espresso with ice cubes, and it does not look like our own freddo at all. There are of course cafes that serve delicious frozen coffees, but tradition shouts espresso even during a heatwave.


  • Know the traditional Espresso variations ! 

They are quite few, delicious and suitable for different occasions: Espresso, Cappuccino, Latte, Macchiato & Caffe Corretto are the basic variants, while if we want less or more water during extraction, we can order Ristretto or Lungo respectively.


  • Do not just drink coffee, feel it and enjoy it ! 

You are lucky enough to be in the country with the richest coffee culture all over the world. Do not treat coffee as a simple habit: feel the flavors and aromas of authentic espresso, try to get into the magic of Italian coffee and learn as much as possible from its secrets in order to carry them back home.


Italian coffee, of course, is much more than ten tips - it is almost synonymous with the daily routine of the Italians and is one of the most important heritage of the neighboring country. Still, every region of Italy has its own special way of enjoying coffee, which is shown in the blends it loves and in the espresso variants that are served in its cafes.

If travelling to Italy is not in your plans, just pick the right coffee: Sant Eustachio will take you to the heart of Rome, Kimbo will accompany you to the port of Naples and ny tasting Hausbrandt you will make a visit to Trieste. The whole of Italy is in your cup - and you know its secrets for good!