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Seven summerish cocktails with coffee aromas!


The dilemma of "getting coffee or drink" is definitely a thing of the past!

Mating coffee with alcohol is an old habit, which gives excellent flavors. While in the winter months, it is common to add a little bit of alcohol to hot coffee, enriching their flavor, as is the case for Irish Coffee, in the summer the combinations of coffee and alcohol are quite different, resulting in original, entertaining cocktails!


Seven summerish cocktails with coffee aromas!


Four Cold Brew Cocktails: Due to the absence of bitterness  and due to the sweet aftertaste that many reminds of a spirits drink, Cold Brew is an excellent base for many imaginative cocktails. Also, the fact that Cold Brew is usually prepared in large quantities makes it ideal for making cocktails, since it is a material that is constantly cold and easily available. In our older article, we have presented summer cocktails that combine Cold Brew with Whiskey, Rum, Brandy and the leading summer drink, Tequila. All Cold Brew Cocktails are simple to prepare, they do not require a special bartender equipment and they will take off either a homemade party or a summer gathering with friends in the courtyard or on the terrace.

Coffee Margarita: There is no bar that respects itself and does not serve the flagship Mexican cocktail, Margarita. However, Tequila marries herself very well with coffee, and the matching of flavors gives a very nice summer cocktail, Coffee Margarita, which besides Tequila and espresso, also has Amaretto and Kalhua, for an even richer aroma. Everything is needed for the first evening or the last afternoon drink, always near a beach.

Espresso Martini: Born in the late 80ies English bar scene, Espresso Martini combines the most popular 80ies drink, Vodka, with the powerful espresso. According to urban legend, he was devised by a barman when a girl asked him for something that would "awaken her first and then make her pass out". Strong, intense and characteristic foam, Espresso Martini will satisfy both vodka fanatics and espresso enthusiasts.

Τhree Coffee Negronis:  Negroni is one of the most popular aperitivo in Italy, and last week it has also acquired its own "Negroni Week", where various bars around the world serve Negroni for charity. Being versatile in its ingredients, Negroni is found in many different variations, of which the most interesting are those based on Espresso or Cold Brew. An ideal cocktail for early afternoon can combine the appetite of aperitivo with the power of coffee.


Most of these cocktails can hardly be found in bars or cafes - but the summer is the right time to work out the bartender hiding inside you. Get good drinks, shout friends and prepare the perfect coffee cocktail cocktails - and of course, enjoy responsibly and never drive! Cheers!