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Aphrodisiac Sex Coffee, for Valentine


The best coffee for Valentine's Day!

Scientists have ruled that coffee can have an aphrodisiac effect, due to the effect of caffeine on the human body. Some have taken this reasoning a step further, boosting coffee with some natural aphrodisiacs from South America and Asia. The drink, which promises to wake up the tiger that sleeps in men and women, was named, simply but appropriately, Sex Coffee.

Sex Coffee has been using ingredients known for their tonic and aphrodisiac action for hundreds of years. Maca, a root from Central and South America, helps balance hormones and increase fertility, and its use has been known since the Aztec era. Raw cocoa is also a stimulant, increasing blood flow and helping to secrete serotonin, while cinnamon has a similar effect. Honey, on the other hand, increases endurance, while so does coconut milk, which is also thought to improve sexual performance and desire.

Of course, none of the above is a panacea - but Sex Coffee is a delicious drink, full of healthy and completely natural ingredients that can only do good to our body, while the whole ritual of creating and serving an "elixir of love" can to have aphrodisiac action on its own, in addition to great taste.


What do we need for Sex Coffee?

160 ml coffee (espresso or filter)
1 tablespoon cocoa
2 tablespoons coconut milk
1 tablespoon honey
Or teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon maca

How do we prepare Sex Coffee?

We prepare the coffee
Add the cocoa, coconut milk, honey and cinnamon
Beat in the blender or with a hand mixer
Add the maca, beat again and serve immediately!

Tips for delicious Sex Coffees!

We do not add milk and sugar, as our coffee contains coconut milk and honey
We can prepare it either with espresso or with filter coffee.
The fresher our ingredients, the tastier our drink will be, but also the stronger its aphrodisiac action.
The proportions are for a cup of coffee, for two (or even ... more) we just adjust the quantities accordingly.
Raw cocoa can be found in stores with organic products, as well as maca powder.
If it is summer, by beating our drink with a little ice, we make its refreshing, icy version.
We prefer organic coconut milk, without added sugar.

This Valentine's Day, instead of the classic champagne, we sip a glass of Sex Coffee - and whatever wanted to happen.