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The simplest coffee-dessert in the world!


Minimal ingredients and minimal effort, for moments when we immediately want a dessert.

We all love the elaborate, delicious pastries of good pastry shops, with the excellent raw materials that show the skills of the pastry chef in every bite. But there are times when we crave something more familiar, that stimulates the taste memory and is easily prepared - literally, the "simplest dessert in the world"!

The dessert we present today is rightly called "the simplest coffee-dessert in the world"! It requires only minimal ingredients, it is pressed into the traditional cream prepared by our mothers and grandmothers, it is flavored with instant coffee and it is ready in just a few minutes. Equally delicious cold or hot, it can be the "canvas" for a wide variety of garnishes and loosen our hands when we need a quick dessert, either for our sudden cravings, or for friends who visited us unannounced.


What do we need for the simplest coffee-dessert in the world?

1 litre of milk
2 tablespoons sugar
Or evaporated milk can
4 tablespoons cornflour
1 tablespoon cocoa
3-4 teaspoons instant coffee

What do we need for the simplest coffee-dessert in the world?

Boil the milk and sugar
Meanwhile, mix all the other ingredients well except the evaporator with a little milk, making a thick paste.
Add the mixture to the boiling milk, lowering the heat and stirring constantly.
Add the evaporator, distribute in a bowl and leave to cool.
Serve garnishing at will.

Tips for a delicious dessert to the last spoon

You can serve it with nuts, pieces of chocolate, crushed chocolate cigars or cookies, and generally with something crunchy, which will create a pleasant contrast with the texture of the cream.
Not suitable for children, as it contains caffeine, which can be replaced with cocoa, for a more kid-friendly dessert.
Although it is not exactly dietary, our dessert is light in terms of calories, as it contains only two tablespoons of sugar.
If instead of dividing it into bowls, we place it in a bowl, in which we have first layered crushed cookies, we make a quick pseudo-cheesecake.
The amount of coffee is indicative: the more you add, the more intense the taste will be in our dessert, but it is good not to overdo it and the final amount should not exceed one tablespoon / bowl.
You can enjoy our dessert either lukewarm or cold, since it is kept in the refrigerator for a few days.

Pastry does not have to be complicated to be delicious - with a few simple ingredients and a strong dose of coffee, we can crack incredibly delicious sweets in a minute!