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"Slow Coffee", a movement for the future of coffee


When the Slow Food Movement joined forces with Lavazza, a new coffee movement was born.

We are used to saying that time is money, and in the frantic pace we live in, speed matters. But for a nutritional and gastronomic movement that developed in Italy and found supporters around the world, "slow food" is better. With a distinctive red snail logo, the Slow Food movement is over thirty years old and has recently expanded into the coffee industry.

What is Slow Food?

Slow Food is a non-profit company started in the mid 80's in Italy by Carlo Petrini. Initially reacting to the opening of international fast food chains near iconic places in Rome, such as the famous "Spanish Steps", Petrini, along with other like-minded people, started a movement to promote local food, traditional cuisine and local products. Based on their opposition to Fast Food, they named their movement Slow Food, and found a ... snail as a suitable logo!

In recent years, the movement has become global, with a presence in more than 150 countries. The organization promotes small local catering businesses that follow its principles, but also agricultural and livestock producers based on the principles of sustainability. At the same time, it certifies entrepreneurs who share the same vision and the same vision, while in Italy it also maintains specialized schools of gastronomy and cooking.


From Slow Food to Slow Coffee!

Given the popularity of coffee, but also the Italian roots of the Slow Food movement, coffee could not be left out of the company's vision. Thus was born this year the Slow Food Coffee Coalition, an open network aimed at all those involved in the coffee chain, from farmers to consumers. The purpose of the Coffee Coalition is to market quality, clean, fair and sustainable coffee for everyone.

The Coffee Coalition manifesto really covers many aspects of coffee, starting with the conservation of ecosystems and reducing the environmental footprint of coffee, moving to working conditions and fair wages of producers and introducing concepts such as transparency and traceability in logistics of coffee. The manifesto sets out various commitments for farmers, traders, roasters and blenders, baristas and of course consumers - who ultimately have the power, through their choices, to truly influence the world of coffee.

The network of course is not limited to theory, but organizes training seminars, brings together people interested in participating in it, such as producers, traders and distributors, and ensures that the views of all those involved in it are heard and disseminated throughout planet.

With the support of Lavazza, for a better future in coffee.

The Coffee Coalition was born out of Slow Food and implemented with the support of Lavazza. Being one of the largest and most recognizable espresso brands not only in Italy but also in the whole world, Lavazza is a company that has shown that it is really anxious for the future of coffee, taking initiatives from time to time aimed at the fair remuneration of producers but and reducing the environmental footprint of coffee cultivation. The Lavazza Tierra series is a great example of how corporate responsibility can produce high quality products and change the perception of the consumer.

The old saying goes that the right coffee takes its time and should be drunk slowly - they certainly did not imagine that their words would become, at the turn of the century, a movement that longs for the future of our favorite beverage.