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Is it possible to enjoy an espresso without an expensive machine ?


The quest for the perfect espresso used to mean searching for the right coffee shop, or at best, searching for expensive coffee machines. However, enjoying an espresso can easily become a domestic affair, as long as we have good quality coffee, a simple hand-made coffee maker and the will to do things right. 

The cost of the manual coffee maker is very reasonable, making it easy to obtain, and also makes it the perfect gift to any coffee lover, while its easy handling makes it an ideal solution even for newcomers in the coffee world. Conventional coffee makers usually can produce three to six cups of espresso - enough for an afternoon coffee meeting with friends. Even if someone wants to invest in a more expensive espresso machine, a handheld manual machine is always a useful component that can "save the day" in many cases, such as in the countryside, in the camping or during the picnic.

 Espresso without expensive equipment

Preparing coffee in a handheld machine only requires tap water and can be summarized in three simple steps.

 - Filling the machine with water, until  just below the special valve

 - Putting the filter in and adding ground coffee

 - Screwing very well and putting it to boil.

The steam produced by the boiling rises up, creating easily and quickly a delicious espresso that can be compared to any espresso produced by an expensive coffee machine.

The low cost of the hand-held machine and its ease of handling allows us to invest in quality coffees or to experiment with new flavors and aromas in order to broaden our tastes in coffee and discover what we really like. The variety that can be found in ground espresso coffees, also suitable for hand-held machines, exceeds the corresponding variety in coffee capsules.

Besides, the only things required for an enjoyable espresso is nothing but passion, good mood and good, quality coffee
