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Five of the most unsual coffee products ever existed!


The coffee market has room for every taste, as strange or as eccentric as it may be - so let's take a look at five of the most bizarre coffee products ever released!

Coffee has taken various forms around the world and there are not many people who tend to enjoy their coffee quite differently from the data we are used to. Mixed with spices, alcohol, aromatics, chocolate or even unorthodox ingredients such as cheese, coffee is one of the most flexible drinks in the world.

We stand in five unusual and original products that seem to compete with each other for the title of the most eccentric coffee product in the world. Some will make you wonder, while others may well want to try them out - unfortunately none of them is available in Greece!


Five really unusual coffee products from around the world



As its name may suggests, it is a combination of Latte with avocado - or more correctly, a Latte served in an avocado. It appeared in the USA in coffee shops that embraced the principles of the "Third Wave of Coffee" and had a brief success in the Instagram generation and hipsters. However, many claim to be a well-done prank, a game of image dominance and the search for vegan products, as Avolatte does not taste differently from an ordinary Latte while its serving is extremely inconvenient.

Jack Daniel’s Coffee

It is not uncommon for many non-coffee companies to exploit their popularity by circulating their own coffee blends, usually in co-operation with large coffee companies. Jack Daniel's Coffee is no execption:  the well-known American whiskey giant released a blend of 100% Arabica quality beans that has sank for a few days on the beloved American bourbon. The combination of coffee and alcohol is common and gives interesting flavors, but Jack Daniel's product is definitely extremely original.



Clear Coffee

Or as it is written in its packaging, CLR CFF. An American company, using Arabica coffee and a patented but unknown method, managed to remove the color from the coffee, keeping its flavor and taste. The CLR CFF is bottled and according to the fanatics, it does not taste differently from a regular Cold Brew coffee, but it is as transparent as a bottle of water. Many doubt the usefulness of a product like CLR CFF, but there is room for everyone in the coffee market.

CocaCola Coffee

Cola beverages are stimuative and contain traces of caffeine - but Coca Cola went one step further by circulating a limited edition of the popular beverage flavoured with coffee without even adding sugar. Coffee Cola was released for a short time only in Japan and Australia, resulting in a collectible status - the views of its flavor were divided, as others called it "tastier than a simple coffee" and another "just weird".




Durian Coffee:

Relatively unknown to the West, but extremely popular in Southeast Asia, Durian is a fleshy, massive fruit surrounded by barbed-in shell. Although its taste is particularly delicious, its odor is strong, ugly and intolerable, to the extent that in many Asian countries it is forbidden to carry it with you in public transport. In many Asian countries, sachets of instant coffee are impregnated with Durian, which transmits to coffee not only the fruity taste but also its very bad smell - in many Southeast businesses it is forbidden to prepare this coffee at your workplace, from respect for your colleagues.


The next time a friend tells you that he has "strange tastes" in coffee because he drinks Cold Brew or because he puts almond milk on his Latte, talk to him about the transparent coffee or serve his cappuccino in an avocado ... in the coffee there are no limits!