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Four unique & exotic coffee beverages from all over the world !


No matter how you love coffee, there could be times that you want to taste something different. Four exotic and aromatic coffee beverages from all over the world will enrich our coffee experiences. 


While coffee enthusiasts usually believe that coffee should be enjoyed without cream, sugar, milk or spices, a Kopi Jahe or an Espresso Romano could easily change their minds. Our journey crosses Europe, South America, Indonesia and the Midde East, carrying aromas of lemon, ginger, cardamom and cinnamon and pairing the strong taste of coffee with refreshing and exotic spices and herbs. 


Espresso Romano (Italy)

As its name implies, it comes from Italy, the country with the most deeply rooted coffee culture around the world. Espresso Romano is nothing more than an ordinary espresso served with lemon. The traditional Espresso Romano serving either requires a lemon slice on the side of the coffee or, in some cases, a piece of lemon peel inside the coffee. Many baristas rub the cup’s lips with the lemon peel before serving the espresso. According to his fanatics, the taste of lemon highlights the aromas of espresso and neutralizes its bitterness, in a way that no sugar needs to be added, while it enhances espresso’s digestive properties.



Caffe de Olla (Mexico)

Caffe De Olla comes from the exotic Mexico and his name means "Coffee in a clay mug". Strong Mexican coffee is prepared in traditional clay pots, along with various spices such as cinnamon, anise, cloves and piloncillo, the Mexican brown sugar. The clay pots gives earthy aromas to the coffee, while spices give it a distinct, spicy and aromatic flavor - the same characteristics that made Mexican cuisine famous all over the world.


Kopi Jahe (Indonesia)

When the Dutch colonialists transported the first coffee trees to their Indonesian colonies, they were not able to imagine how popular coffee would be among the locals. A popular way of serving coffee in Indonesia is Kopi Jahe, which is nothing more than brewed coffee with grated ginger and coconut sugar. The spicy notes of ginger come in an interesting contrast to the earthly aromas of coffee while the addition of sugar balances the beverage. In addition, Kopi Jahe combines the ginger nutrients with the beneficial properties of coffee, making Kopi Jahe a healthy and antioxidant drink.


Cardamom Coffee (Middle East)

Turkish coffee  gradually gains more and more audiences around the world. Among the variations of Turkish coffee, the one that wins most fans is the one with cardamom. It is prepared like the regular Turkish coffee, except the fact that its blend contains cardamom whether grated (so its aroma is more intense) or in whole grains. In many Middle Eastern countries, cardamom coffee was the traditional way of serving coffee, while other countries such as Morocco used even more spices, such as nutmeg or cinnamon. The combination of coffee with cardamom is so huge, that many coffee lovers prepare espresso or filtered coffee with cardamom, in addition to the traditional Turkish coffee.