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Do you have the stomach for coffee ?


Drinking coffee is a beloved daily habit, combined with moments of relaxation & fun, as well as a way to start every new day. Slandered in the past as harmful to health, rational coffee consumption today is suggested by experts as a vital source of vitamins and antioxidants for the human body and is considered to be absolutely safe. Nevertheless, it is not uncommon to associate coffee consumption with stomach irritations, most of which are totally harmful, but it’s nevertheless useful to know how to treat them and from where they originate.

  •  Stomach sensitivity to coffee acids :

Although our digestive system is based the use of acids, their excessive presence can cause unpleasant and troublesome symptoms. As natural coffee acids can affect the production of gastric acid, people with sensitivity may complain of discomfort after drinking coffee, acidic juices or alcohol. Often these symptoms may be indicative of an already existing problem in the digestive system (such as a gastritis or an ulcer), so if the discomfort is common, a visit to a doctor may be necessary. Otherwise, enjoying low-acid coffees (such as certain coffee varieties or specific ways of making, like Cold Brew Coffee) can effectively reduce the symptoms.

  • Stomach sensitivity to caffeine:

Caffeine’s chemical composition has the attribute to accelerate metabolism, a fact that is generally considered desirable, but may have several side effects. Accelerating metabolism means increased gastric acid production, which can disturb sensitive stomachs. If caffeine is what triggers unwanted reactions, the solution is easy and lies in looking for beverages with lesser caffeine - a decaffeinated coffee is preferred in this case. Otherwise, it is best to reduce coffee consumption, while experts say that in having irritating symptoms from caffeine, eating a banana can be relieving. The table below summarizes the caffeine content of the most popular coffee types.


Type Of Coffee

Portion (ML)

Caffeine Content (MG)




Greek Coffee



Filter Coffee



Instant Coffee



Instant Coffee (Decaf)




  •  Drinking coffee with an empty stomach :

 Coffee, despite its sophisticated taste and its health benefits, remains a intense drink, rich in acids and chemical compounds, full of complex flavors and aromas. Therefore, it should never be consumed on an empty stomach, as this not only reduces the enjoyment but can also lead to unpleasant symptoms. Our regular lifestyles often make us miss the morning meal without missing out on morning coffee - a combination that can be extremely unpleasant to our stomach. It is important to pay attention in having a proper breakfast , not just because it is generally necessary, but because without it coffee consumption will cause undesirable stomach side effects. If we have trouble with morning coffee consumption, even though we do not miss breakfast, it may be good to experiment a bit with what we usually our breakfast includes, as protein rich or alkaline foods can act as a catalyst in reducing discomforts.

Minor discomfort derived from coffee consumption are often harmless and are usually related to our eating habits, rather than the drink itself. If the symptoms are not serious, and once a doctor confirms the absence of a general pathology in the digestive tract, experimenting and improving our habits can eliminate our problems and make our daily coffee more enjoyable.



