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Meet the dripper, the simplest yet more clever coffee device!


The simplest coffee machine that promises the most aromatic cups of filter coffee.

It has definitely caught your eye in hip hangouts that offer good coffee and quality, "cool" extracts, and it's not unlikely to see it in our friend's kitchen that has a craze and passion for coffee. The reason for the dripper, the simple, conical device that promises the most aromatic French coffee cups.

The dripper is nothing more than a conical device that accepts paper filters and operates with the Pour Over extraction method, in which hot water passes the ground coffee at a constant speed. It applies to cups or jugs, is made of ceramic or plastic and its design details allow to handle the extraction efficiently and on the other hand to best unfold the characteristics of coffee.

The dripper is as simple as an adventurous device that no coffee maker should miss - it is the perfect gift for coffee lovers!


What's the history of dripper?

Although devices using the Pour Over method, such as the dripper, have been in the limelight in recent years due to the "Third Wave" coffee announcement, their origins are much, much older.

Right from the beginning of the 20th century, when most coffee machines used percolation, the first Pour Over extraction machines, designed by coffee lovers who wanted a cleaner cup, appeared timidly. These devices began to gain popularity during the interwar period, and the first conical dripper was introduced to coffee makers in the 1950s.

However, the ever-increasing popularity of espresso and the decline in machine prices, which made espresso accessible to every household, gradually diminished the drippers, which became almost synonymous with retro. But the "Third Wave" of coffee has given Pour Over extraction the proper importance, making drippers find their way back to the hearts of those who love filter coffee - and justifiably, considering that they can produce particularly aromatic cups with relative  convenience, thanks to their unique and clever design.


What are the dripper's design "secrets"?

Despite its simplicity, which makes it extremely easy to transport and clean even easier, it would not be an exaggeration to claim that the dripper is a small design miracle, as it is designed to highlight the characteristics of coffee with unique way. A dripper filter coffee mug is richer in flavor and more aromatic than a conventional filter coffee extractor. The basic design secrets of the dripper are the following:

  • Conical shape: Its sharp angle, which usually reaches 60 degrees, allows hot water to run smoothly to the center, allowing it to come in contact with the ground coffee for longer.
  • The hole: The dripper's outlet consists of only one large hole. This enables the aroma and taste of the coffee to be controlled, depending on the flow rate.
  • Internal Ribbons: The ribbed interior of the dripper allows the air to circulate, maximizing its capacity.
  • Its construction material: usually made of high strength ceramic or porcelain, however, there are lighter versions of high quality plastic.


Ηow dirpper works?

Dripper extraction is a completely manual process, which on the one hand is extremely simple, but on the other hand it is also very complex, as the slightest change has a direct impact on the taste and aroma of our coffee. In general, the extraction process is as follows:

  • Heat water to 92-94 degrees. If we do not have a timer available, we can boil the water and set it aside for a few minutes.
  • Preheat your dripper in warm water and carefully moisten the paper filter you will use
  • Place the paper filter in your dripper and coffee in the paper filter
  • Immediately pour twice the amount of water than the coffee we used in the filter and wait for 35-40 seconds. This stage is called pre-extraction and brings out the unique aromas of coffee
  • Start pouring water in circular motion, following the clockwise direction. Depending on the speed of pouring and grinding of our coffee, this process will take from two to four minutes.
  • Serve an aromatic and brown filter!


How can one control his cup's taste using a dripper?

In every device that uses the principles of Pour Over Extraction, that is, pouring hot water over the ground coffee, we have complete control over all the variables in order to come up with cups of different flavors. The main variables that will be of interest to us are water temperature, grinding and water flow rate, as well as the amount of coffee.

While it sounds simple, in practice the control of variables can prove to be more adventurous than it seems. There are a number of home baristi who take detailed notes on each extraction in order to reach the result that satisfies them the most. Of course, each coffee, whether it is a single origing or a blend, exhibits different characteristics depending on the differentiation of these variables: each coffee has its own, specific extraction profile, which of course also depends on our personal taste.

Keeping the temperature constant at about 92-94 degrees Celsius and using about 20-22 grams of coffee per 330ml cup, grinding the beans in combination with the flow can give us the following results.

Stable Flow + Ground Coffee = Moderate Body

Slow Flow + Ground Coffee = Full, Strong Body

Stable flow + coarse ground coffee = Moderate body

Slow Flow + Coarse Coffee = Balanced Body


The secrets and tips for the dripper don't stop there, of course. Dripper coffee is a great adventure that we will continue to pursue - always looking for the coffee we deserve!