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Green coffee: a new nutritional trend htis the coffee world


Lately, another sort coffee monopolizes the interest of the healthy diet fanatics: green coffee!

Green coffee trend has begun during the last five years in the United States of America, like most food trends, and has slowly passed into Europe. Unlike regular coffee, green coffee is not available in beans and blends, but in beverages and as a dietary supplement, in the form of tablets or drops containing related extracts. Companies that market green coffee formulations usually advertise its fat-dissolving capacity and contribution to weight loss.


What is Green Coffee?

First of all, we need to know that when we talk about "green coffee", we do not mean a coffee of a special variety or quality, but just coffee that is not roasted. The coffee beans, after their collection and process, are still "fresh" and their color is green. The brown color which we are familiar with is due to the roasting process, which gives them apart from the color, the characteristic aroma of coffee. So when we talk about "green coffee", it is good to know that coffee beans from every variety, geographical origin and quality can be “green”, and that the fact that coffee is not roasted does not make it superior in quality.


What are the differences between green and roasted coffee?

The roasting process does not only change the taste, the aroma and the color of coffee, but also affects its chemical components. Chlorogenic acid, a component of raw, unroasted coffee beans, is drastically reduced during the roasting process. Although coffee in any form is beneficial to health because it is full of antioxidants, there are studies that associate chlorogenic acid with weight loss. Although roasted coffee also helps in weight loss, as caffeine speeds up metabolism, it does not contain chlorogenic acid in as much as green, unroasted coffee. In matters of taste, green coffee does not have such intense aromas, while its flavor is less complex and slightly bitter.


Is green coffee healthier than regular coffee?


As the Green coffee ingredients and roasted coffee ingredients do not differ greatly, green coffee cannot be described as "healthier" than regular coffee. Coffee, in every form, is a product whose sparing consumption can be very beneficial to health. The basic ingredient of coffee that can disturb certain people with sensitivity is caffeine, which however exists in green coffee as well. There are dietary supplements based on green coffee that do not contain caffeine, but this property is the result of a special chemical process similar to the one used to produce decaffeinated coffee. Due to the presence of caffeine, green coffee products are not suitable during pregnancy and lactation, and cautions taken are the same ones that a woman should take when consuming regular coffee during pregnancy.


Does Green Coffee actually helps in weight loss?

Although green coffee fans believe that chlorogenic acid greatly accelerates weight loss, experts (doctors and nutritionists) point out that no dietary supplement can be more effective for weight loss than a balanced diet and physical exercise. Green coffee, as coffee in general can act supportively, making weight loss easier.


If one thing is is certain, it is the fact that coffee is a real gift of nature, since in every form, raw or roasted, it is full of ingredients that are extremely beneficial for health - except that roasted coffee is also very enjoyable!