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How many different espressos can you think of?


Eight varieties of our favorite coffee, based on the Italian tradition. 

Espresso, while very enjoyable neat, is a very versatile coffee, as it can form the basis for interesting drinks. Even in the Italian tradition and culture of coffee, there are many recipes that, based on espresso, transform it into separate coffees, each of which has its own personality. Leaving aside the hugely popular cappuccino and latte, we stand by five traditional Italian recipes that give a delightful twist to the timeless espresso, two frozen versions of his home country, Italy, and a hip version on the other side of the Atlantic.


The traditional ones: with ice cream, with some milk, with alcohol and with ... lemon


Espresso Affogato: In Italian, it means "drowned", but what drowns is an ice cream ball in a strong espresso! The simplest dessert you can imagine is an ideal closure for any Italian dinner.

Espresso Corretto: How do we "fix" an espresso? Putting a sip of alcohol, since in Italian Corretto means 'corrected'. Traditionally, Espresso Corretto is served with Grappa, but you can try Sambuca or any other alcoholic beverage you want - as long as it does not overpower the taste of coffee.

Espresso Marocchino:  Despite its name, it has nothing to do with Morocco, since it is a native of northern Italy. Espresso marries cocoa, in a simple, traditional version of chocolate coffees, faithful to the principles of Italian gastronomy.

Espresso Romano: The most weird of the traditional recipes comes from Rome, despite its name, and has its roots in times of deprivation, but it never ceases to be interesting as well as simple: with the addition of some drops of lemon, the Italians say, espresso it gets a little sweeter (!)

Espresso Macchiato: The "scarred" espresso doesn't want liters of milk and tons of whipped cream, but just a touch of good milk foam - most importantly the right proportions.




The Iced Ones: Shakerato and Granita Di Café

Shakerato: The Italian version of Freddo Espresso is always served sweet and in a glass of Martini, but it does not enjoy the popularity of its Greek "cousin" - but it condenses the Italian summer and a sense of Italian luxury into a glass.

Granita Di Caffe: Since the times when Sicilians found ice for this drink using snow off the slopes of Etna, and to date, little has changed in this Sicilian recipe - only now made with ready-made, crushed ice. But it is just as refreshing and with an espresso flavor!


The Hipster one: Espresso Tonic

Espresso Tonic: Far from the Italian tradition, Espresso Tonic was born in the US hip coffee shops and immediately loved by the Instagram Generation. The strong espresso marries a tonic and a bit of lemon, resulting in a refreshing as well as refreshing drink - which despite the predictions of those who have not tried it, is not bitter at all.


All recipes are extremely simple to make, as all they require is an espresso and a few other ingredients that can be easily found in any kitchen. Importance is, above all, good espresso, which will take away the flavor of every variant you try.

A quality espresso is always delicious, with milk, cocoa, grapa, ice: as long as it is top quality and made with love. That is, the coffee  we deserve.